Tools & Technologies » Audit Manager

Audit Manager

GLOVIA G2 Audit Manager allows the full audit / traceability of changes to the key business data elements for the enterprise. The solution logs the full history of change to any policy, calculation, or other business-critical data. The database audit facility is generic, thus applicable to any GLOVIA G2 extended ERP system modules or non-GLOVIA G2 / external modules that cause change to GLOVIA G2 data.

Isolated from the Application

Many audit solutions require application code in order to detect the change to the data and perform the subsequent write to the audit log. These solutions are expensive in development and future maintenance. Coverage of the audit is rarely 100% as only those transactions that contain the specific code are written to the log.

With the GLOVIA G2 extended ERP system, the audit capability has been moved down to the Oracle database via the use of triggers, thus allowing the changes to the database to be controlled by Oracle instead of the application. Only the net change is written to the database. Writing only changed data ensures that database storage issues are minimized and clarity of the audit inquiry is optimized.

Fully Configurable by the User

Audit Manager allows a user to define the individual columns from a database table that are to be under audit control. The columns available for selection are those columns that appear both on the SuperLayer file definition and on the Oracle table definition. The user also defines when to track audits, i.e. when a field is inserted, changed, or deleted.

Audit Inquiry

The audit inquiry provides a flexible and powerful inquiry of the audit log. A single generic inquiry has been created that allows the history of changes of any table under audit to be viewed. The data on the inquiry screen, including the associated column names, is pertinent to the table that is under inquiry.

Purge of the Audit Log

The audit log can be purged by table name and date. Any audit records for the selected table with a change date equal to or older than the selected date will be permanently deleted.

Audit Inquiry Details

The data elements that are displayed for the audited table are:

  • Date and time of the change
  • GLOVIA G2 operator that performed the change
  • Type of update (add, change or delete)
  • Keys of the table that changed
  • Columns of the table that changed (showing both the value of the column before the change and the value after the change)

Filtering Capabilities

You can search the audit log via the following criteria:

  • Keys (allows the log to be searched for specific records by key)
  • Columns (allows the log to be searched only for columns that have been selected in the inquiry that have undergone change)
  • Others (date, time, operator and mode)

Download the CrescentOne data sheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Audit Manager at your company.


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