- Multiple forms available out of the box (see below)
- The generated PDF can be automatically:
- Displayed to screen
- Sent to a printer
- Emailed
- Saved as content in an indexed SharePoint library
- Different formats can be generated based on business rules. For example different shipping and invoice formats for domestic versus export.
- PDF documents are generated from standard G2 print functions within G2 using standard G2 business logic.
- Document generation error handling and tracking ensures you know what was generated and when, and, also when things failed and why.
- Documents may include QR codes or barcodes.
- Watermarks (i.e., Duplicate, Amendment, etc.) are displayed on documents based on standard G2 business logic.
- Once the PDF is in SharePoint, capabilities like PowerAutomate and other tools can be used to create document approval and management workflows.
- Provides for rapid implementations, requiring minimum resource and no need for specialized skills:
- Out of the box integration to O365 and SharePoint.
- A simple import process provides for quick implementation of custom layouts provided by CrescentOne.
Standard Documents Supported
- Accounts Payable Check
- Accounts Payable Remittance Advice
- Blanket Order
- Pull Ticket
- Move Ticket
- Inventory Inquiry
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Move Ticket
- Purchase Requisition
- Supplier Returns
- Sales Order Acknowledgment
- Sales Order Pick-list
- Sales Order Pack-list
- Sales Order Pack Slip
- Bill of Lading
- Shipping Label
- Sales Invoice
- Credit Memo
- Debit Memo
- Customer Statement
- Return Goods Authorization
- Return Goods Authorization Receipt
- Shop Packet
- Work Order Clock On Operation Star Ticket
- Work Order Clock Off Next Operation Ticket
- Work Order Clock Off Completion Ticket
- Work Order Pick-list
- Work Order Pick-list Exceptions
- Work Order Pull-Ticket
- Work Order Pull-Ticket Exceptions
Download the CrescentOne datasheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Document Content & Output Management Module at your company.
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