XML » XML Transaction Sets

XML Transaction Sets

GLOVIA G2 XML Framework comes with an ever-increasing number of XML documents to support the exchange of information between GLOVIA G2 and external systems. XML Framework supports three sets of standard data transactions: Synchronization, Demand (customer facing), and Supply (vendor facing).

Customer Facing Transactions

XML Framework supports multiple XML documents related to demand including order additions, order changes, order cancellations, order acknowledgements, and demand forecasts. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:

XML NameDescriptionDirection
Sales Quote
QuoteAddReceive RFQ, create SQInbound
QuoteCloseReceive RFQ, create SQInbound
QuoteAckSend Acknowledgement of Sales Quote dataOutbound
QuotePromiseSend Promise Date for SQOutbound
Sales Order1
ConsumptionAdviceRecord inventory consumed from consigned locationInbound
OrderAddReceive new PO and create SOInbound
OrderChangeReceive PO changes, update SOInbound
OrderCancelReceive PO cancel, cancel SOInbound
ReceiptAdviceAcknowledge receipt of inventory at consigned locationInbound
OrderResponseAcknowledgement of SO creation against POOutbound
OrderPromiseSend Promise Date for POOutbound
SIRSend SO changesOutbound
ASNAddSend Advanced Shipping NoticeOutbound
ASNCancelCancel Advanced Shipping NoticeOutbound
OrderAdd (SI)Send new Shipping InstructionOutbound
OrderChange (SI)Send Shipping Instruction changesOutbound
OrderCancel (SI)Cancel Shipping InstructionOutbound
PackListShipping instructions for external warehouseOutbound
InvoiceAddSend InvoiceOutbound
Item Catalog
SupplierItemCatalogSend Item Catalog data to Customer for synchronization purposesOutbound
Forecast (MPS)
ForecastReceive Forecast from customer for future demandInbound
ForecastResponseAcknowledgement of MPS Forecast data enteredOutbound

Supplier Facing Transactions

XML Framework supports multiple XML documents related to supply including requests for quotes, computer-planned orders (CPO), CPO conversions, and acknowledgements. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:

XML NameDescriptionDirection
CPOOutbound Send CPOOutbound
PlanningExceptionsSend Planning ExceptionsOutbound
CPOCOnfirmInboundCPO to PO conversionInbound
Purchase Order2
ConsumptionAdviceRecord inventory consumed from consigned locationOutbound
OrderAddSend new Purchase OrderOutbound
OrderChangeSend PO CancelOutbound
OrderCancelSend Purchase Order changesOutbound
OrderResponseReceive Acknowledgement for POInbound
OrderPromiseReceive Promise Date for POInbound
AssemblyInstructionAddSend Assembly InstructionOutbound
AssemblyInstructionCancelCancel Assembly InstructionOutbound
ASNAddReceive Advanced Shipping Notice from VendorInbound
OrderAdd (SI)OrderAdd (SI) Send new Shipping Instruction OutboundOutbound
OrderChange (SI)Send Shipping Instruction changesOutbound
OrderCancel (SI)Cancel Shipping InstructionOutbound
InvoiceAddReceive InvoiceInbound
Item Catalog
CustomerItemCatalogSend Item Catalog data to Vendor for synchronization purposesOutbound
Forecast (MPS)
ForecastSend Forecast to vendor informing future demandOutbound
ForecastResponseReceive acknowledgement of MPS ForecastInbound

1Outbound/Inbound transaction corresponds to Inbound/Outbound transaction in GLOVIA G2 Purchase Order module

2Outbound/Inbound transaction corresponds to Inbound/Outbound transaction in Sales Order module

Data Synchronization Transactions

XML Framework supports multiple XML documents for data synchronization and master data management including item catalog, item planning, item Bill of Materials (BOM), routing, and vendor and customer information. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:

XML NameDescriptionDirection
Item Catalog
MaterialItemMasterPush/Receive Item data to/from external systemsBoth
MaterialItemRequestRequest the sending of Item data from other systemsBoth
MaterialItemMasterMergeTrigger the process of populating the target catalog with all the Items that have been sent via a set of MaterialMaster XML transactions.Both
LocalStructureAddorReplaceAdds a new, or, replaces an existing Local StructureInbound
ProgressiveEngineeringItemReplacementReplaces a Progressive Engineering Item with the ‘As designed’ item.
Customer and Supplier Catalog (cross-reference)
CustomerItemCatalogSelect and send Customer Catalog data (System level) to external systemsBoth
SupplierItemCatalogSelect and send Supplier Catalog data (System level) to external systemsBoth
Packlist Synchronization
PacklistSelect and send SO Pack-list to external systemsBoth
Purchase Order Synchronization
PurchaseOrderSynchronize Purchase Order transactionsBoth
PurchaseOrderAckAcknowledgement to Purchase Order transactionBoth
PurchaseRequisitionSynchronize Purchase Requisition transactionsOutbound
PurchaseRequisitionAckAcknowledgement to Purchase RequisitionOutbound
PurchaseRequisition ApprovalApproval of Purchase RequisitionOutbound
PurchaseRequisition ConversionConversion of Purchase Requisition to Purchase OrderInbound
PurchaseOrderReceiptPurchase Order Receipt TransactionInbound
Sales Order Synchronization.
SalesOrderSynchronize Sales Order transactionsBoth
SalesOrderAckAcknowledgement for Sales Order transactionBoth
Sales Quote Synchronization
SalesQuoteSynchronize Sales Quote transactionsBoth
SalesQuoteAckAcknowledgement for Sales Quote transactionBoth
Work Order Synchronization
WorkOrderSynchronize Work Order transactionBoth
WorkOrderAckAcknowledgement for Work Order transactionBoth
WOReleaseInstructionSynchronize Work Order Release Instruction transactionBoth
WOReleaseInstructionAckAcknowledgement for Work Order Release Instruction transactionBoth
WOPullTicketIssueSynchronize Pull Ticket Issue transactionInbound
WOPullTicketIssueAckAcknowledgement for Pull Ticket Issue transactionBoth
WOPullTicketSynchronize Pull Ticket transactionInbound
WOPullTicketIssueReverseSynchronize Pull Ticket Revers Issue transactionInbound
WOCompletionSynchronize Work Order Completion transactionBoth
WOCompletionAckAcknowledgement for Work Order Completion transactionBoth
WOCompletionReverseSynchronize Work Order Reverse Completion transactionBoth
WOAssemblyScrap InstructionSynchronize Work Order Assembly Scrap transactionBoth
WOAssemblyScrapAckAcknowledgement for Work Order Assembly Scrap transactionBoth
WOComponentScrap InstructionSynchronize Work Order Component Scrap transactionBoth
WOComponentScrapAckAcknowledgement for Work Order Component Scrap transactionBoth
WOOperationScrap InstructionSynchronize Work Order Operation Scrap transactionBoth
WOOperationScrapAckAcknowledgement for Work Order Operation Scrap transactionBoth
Inventory Synchronization
AssignStorageLocationSyncrhonize Assign Storage LocationBoth
AssignStorageLocationAckAcknowledgement of Assign Storage LocationBoth
InspectionResultSynchronize Inspection ResultBoth
InspectionResultAckAcknowledgement of Inspection ResultBoth
InventoryAdjustmentSynchronize Inventory AdjustmentBoth
InventoryAdjustmentAckAcknowledgement of Inventory AdjustmentBoth
Loc2LocTransferSynchronize Location to Location TransferBoth
Loc2LocTransferAckAcknowledgement of Location to Location TransferBoth
MasLoc2MasLocTransferSynchronize Master Location to Master Location TransferBoth
MasLoc2MasLocTransferAckAcknowledgement of Master Location to Master Location TransferBoth
MaterialIssueSynchronize Material IssueBoth
MaterialIssueAckAcknowledgement of Material IssueBoth
MaterialReceiptsSynchronize Material ReceiptsBoth
MaterialReceiptsAckAcknowledgement of Material ReceiptsBoth
MaterialScrapSynchronize Material ScrapBoth
MaterialScrapAckAcknowledgement of Material ScrapBoth
MoveToInspectSynchronize Move To InspectBoth
MoveToInspectAckAcknowledgement of Move To InspectBoth
MRBResultsSynchronize Material Review Board (MRB) ResultsBoth
MRBResultsAckAcknowledgement of Material Review Board (MRB) ResultsBoth

Download CrescentOne data sheet for more information about its XML tools for the GLOVIA G2 manufacturing ERP system.


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