Customer Facing Transactions
XML Framework supports multiple XML documents related to demand including order additions, order changes, order cancellations, order acknowledgements, and demand forecasts. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:
XML Name | Description | Direction |
Sales Quote | ||
QuoteAdd | Receive RFQ, create SQ | Inbound |
QuoteClose | Receive RFQ, create SQ | Inbound |
QuoteAck | Send Acknowledgement of Sales Quote data | Outbound |
QuotePromise | Send Promise Date for SQ | Outbound |
Sales Order1 | ||
ConsumptionAdvice | Record inventory consumed from consigned location | Inbound |
OrderAdd | Receive new PO and create SO | Inbound |
OrderChange | Receive PO changes, update SO | Inbound |
OrderCancel | Receive PO cancel, cancel SO | Inbound |
ReceiptAdvice | Acknowledge receipt of inventory at consigned location | Inbound |
OrderResponse | Acknowledgement of SO creation against PO | Outbound |
OrderPromise | Send Promise Date for PO | Outbound |
SIR | Send SO changes | Outbound |
Shipping | ||
ASNAdd | Send Advanced Shipping Notice | Outbound |
ASNCancel | Cancel Advanced Shipping Notice | Outbound |
OrderAdd (SI) | Send new Shipping Instruction | Outbound |
OrderChange (SI) | Send Shipping Instruction changes | Outbound |
OrderCancel (SI) | Cancel Shipping Instruction | Outbound |
PackList | Shipping instructions for external warehouse | Outbound |
Billing | ||
InvoiceAdd | Send Invoice | Outbound |
Item Catalog | ||
SupplierItemCatalog | Send Item Catalog data to Customer for synchronization purposes | Outbound |
Forecast (MPS) | ||
Forecast | Receive Forecast from customer for future demand | Inbound |
ForecastResponse | Acknowledgement of MPS Forecast data entered | Outbound |
Supplier Facing Transactions
XML Framework supports multiple XML documents related to supply including requests for quotes, computer-planned orders (CPO), CPO conversions, and acknowledgements. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:
XML Name | Description | Direction |
Planning | ||
CPO | Outbound Send CPO | Outbound |
PlanningExceptions | Send Planning Exceptions | Outbound |
CPOCOnfirmInbound | CPO to PO conversion | Inbound |
Purchase Order2 | ||
ConsumptionAdvice | Record inventory consumed from consigned location | Outbound |
OrderAdd | Send new Purchase Order | Outbound |
OrderChange | Send PO Cancel | Outbound |
OrderCancel | Send Purchase Order changes | Outbound |
OrderResponse | Receive Acknowledgement for PO | Inbound |
OrderPromise | Receive Promise Date for PO | Inbound |
Assembly | ||
AssemblyInstructionAdd | Send Assembly Instruction | Outbound |
AssemblyInstructionCancel | Cancel Assembly Instruction | Outbound |
Shipping | ||
ASNAdd | Receive Advanced Shipping Notice from Vendor | Inbound |
OrderAdd (SI) | OrderAdd (SI) Send new Shipping Instruction Outbound | Outbound |
OrderChange (SI) | Send Shipping Instruction changes | Outbound |
OrderCancel (SI) | Cancel Shipping Instruction | Outbound |
A/R | ||
InvoiceAdd | Receive Invoice | Inbound |
Item Catalog | ||
CustomerItemCatalog | Send Item Catalog data to Vendor for synchronization purposes | Outbound |
Forecast (MPS) | ||
Forecast | Send Forecast to vendor informing future demand | Outbound |
ForecastResponse | Receive acknowledgement of MPS Forecast | Inbound |
1Outbound/Inbound transaction corresponds to Inbound/Outbound transaction in GLOVIA G2 Purchase Order module
2Outbound/Inbound transaction corresponds to Inbound/Outbound transaction in Sales Order module
Data Synchronization Transactions
XML Framework supports multiple XML documents for data synchronization and master data management including item catalog, item planning, item Bill of Materials (BOM), routing, and vendor and customer information. The supported XML Transaction Sets include:
XML Name | Description | Direction |
Item Catalog | ||
MaterialItemMaster | Push/Receive Item data to/from external systems | Both |
MaterialItemRequest | Request the sending of Item data from other systems | Both |
MaterialItemMasterMerge | Trigger the process of populating the target catalog with all the Items that have been sent via a set of MaterialMaster XML transactions. | Both |
LocalStructureAddorReplace | Adds a new, or, replaces an existing Local Structure | Inbound |
ProgressiveEngineeringItemReplacement | Replaces a Progressive Engineering Item with the ‘As designed’ item. | |
Customer and Supplier Catalog (cross-reference) | ||
CustomerItemCatalog | Select and send Customer Catalog data (System level) to external systems | Both |
SupplierItemCatalog | Select and send Supplier Catalog data (System level) to external systems | Both |
Packlist Synchronization | ||
Packlist | Select and send SO Pack-list to external systems | Both |
Purchase Order Synchronization | ||
PurchaseOrder | Synchronize Purchase Order transactions | Both |
PurchaseOrderAck | Acknowledgement to Purchase Order transaction | Both |
PurchaseRequisition | Synchronize Purchase Requisition transactions | Outbound |
PurchaseRequisitionAck | Acknowledgement to Purchase Requisition | Outbound |
PurchaseRequisition Approval | Approval of Purchase Requisition | Outbound |
PurchaseRequisition Conversion | Conversion of Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order | Inbound |
PurchaseOrderReceipt | Purchase Order Receipt Transaction | Inbound |
Sales Order Synchronization. | ||
SalesOrder | Synchronize Sales Order transactions | Both |
SalesOrderAck | Acknowledgement for Sales Order transaction | Both |
Sales Quote Synchronization | ||
SalesQuote | Synchronize Sales Quote transactions | Both |
SalesQuoteAck | Acknowledgement for Sales Quote transaction | Both |
Work Order Synchronization | ||
WorkOrder | Synchronize Work Order transaction | Both |
WorkOrderAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order transaction | Both |
WOReleaseInstruction | Synchronize Work Order Release Instruction transaction | Both |
WOReleaseInstructionAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order Release Instruction transaction | Both |
WOPullTicketIssue | Synchronize Pull Ticket Issue transaction | Inbound |
WOPullTicketIssueAck | Acknowledgement for Pull Ticket Issue transaction | Both |
WOPullTicket | Synchronize Pull Ticket transaction | Inbound |
WOPullTicketIssueReverse | Synchronize Pull Ticket Revers Issue transaction | Inbound |
WOCompletion | Synchronize Work Order Completion transaction | Both |
WOCompletionAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order Completion transaction | Both |
WOCompletionReverse | Synchronize Work Order Reverse Completion transaction | Both |
WOAssemblyScrap Instruction | Synchronize Work Order Assembly Scrap transaction | Both |
WOAssemblyScrapAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order Assembly Scrap transaction | Both |
WOComponentScrap Instruction | Synchronize Work Order Component Scrap transaction | Both |
WOComponentScrapAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order Component Scrap transaction | Both |
WOOperationScrap Instruction | Synchronize Work Order Operation Scrap transaction | Both |
WOOperationScrapAck | Acknowledgement for Work Order Operation Scrap transaction | Both |
Inventory Synchronization | ||
AssignStorageLocation | Syncrhonize Assign Storage Location | Both |
AssignStorageLocationAck | Acknowledgement of Assign Storage Location | Both |
InspectionResult | Synchronize Inspection Result | Both |
InspectionResultAck | Acknowledgement of Inspection Result | Both |
InventoryAdjustment | Synchronize Inventory Adjustment | Both |
InventoryAdjustmentAck | Acknowledgement of Inventory Adjustment | Both |
Loc2LocTransfer | Synchronize Location to Location Transfer | Both |
Loc2LocTransferAck | Acknowledgement of Location to Location Transfer | Both |
MasLoc2MasLocTransfer | Synchronize Master Location to Master Location Transfer | Both |
MasLoc2MasLocTransferAck | Acknowledgement of Master Location to Master Location Transfer | Both |
MaterialIssue | Synchronize Material Issue | Both |
MaterialIssueAck | Acknowledgement of Material Issue | Both |
MaterialReceipts | Synchronize Material Receipts | Both |
MaterialReceiptsAck | Acknowledgement of Material Receipts | Both |
MaterialScrap | Synchronize Material Scrap | Both |
MaterialScrapAck | Acknowledgement of Material Scrap | Both |
MoveToInspect | Synchronize Move To Inspect | Both |
MoveToInspectAck | Acknowledgement of Move To Inspect | Both |
MRBResults | Synchronize Material Review Board (MRB) Results | Both |
MRBResultsAck | Acknowledgement of Material Review Board (MRB) Results | Both |
Download CrescentOne data sheet for more information about its XML tools for the GLOVIA G2 manufacturing ERP system.
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