FUNB01 | Navigation and Ad-Hoc Grids

FUNB01 | Navigating Through Glovia G2 Application

Duration: 4 hours
Getting to know the ERP interface, navigating through the application. Getting help using shortcuts and creating personal menus to help you excel with GLOVIA G2 ERP.

Target audience

This course is suited for all employees and is not role specific.


  1. Navigating the GLOVIA G2 ERP menu
  2. Navigating the basic functions of GLOVIA G2 ERP


At the end of this course, students will be able to understand:

  • basic concepts of navigating the application
  • how to create a personal menu
  • how to find help


  • FUNA01
  • FUNA02


After finishing all courses in the track

Track: Fundamentals

  • FUNA01
  • FUNA02
  • FUNB01
  • FUNB02
  • FUND01

Register Now:

This course is offered as a part of Fundamentals Track

hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "7060876", formId: "1e052930-d6c3-496b-a95d-2da2dd251d79" });

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